For institutional investors only. We will review you within 24 hours after which you can start your trial.
Track dialogues, access fund overviews and analyze performance across funds and managers to quickly map the market to make informed investment decisions.
Stay connected and manage your relationships on the go with our mobile-friendly CRM, accessible from any device.
Enjoy the convenience of a fully functional CRM right in your browser. No lengthy setups or installations, just immediate access to all features.
The CRM features a modern, clean design that enhances user experience and reduces distractions.
Extensive self-serve support in place with our support always close when there are additional questions or comments.
Prebuilt reports are helpful, but the magic happens when reports are tailored specifically for clients’ needs.
Alternatives never sleep. Nor do FundFrame. Benefit from a system that evolves with your needs. Regular updates and new features keep you at the forefront.
Your schedule is packed. That's why we've optimized our software for on-the-go use. Quickly jot down notes between meetings or access key information during a GP meeting.
Your intelligence is always within reach and has never been closer.